Digital video production has changed the way we teach and learn in higher education settings. Beyond the bricks and mortar, our educational video productions reach hundreds of students online and within the classroom.
Teaching and reaching the digital age.

Choose Chicago Partner Event
Choose Chicago wanted to get their message out to all their stakeholders, even if they could not attend the live event. Motionpost partnered with Choose Chicago to shoot and edit their annual meeting.

Choose Chicago Partner Event
Choose Chicago wanted to get their message out to all their stakeholders, even if they could not attend the live event. Motionpost partnered with Choose Chicago to shoot and edit their annual meeting.

Work Study – Notre Dame
Motionpost partnered with New Group Media and Notre Dame to bring this informational presentation to new students at Notre Dame. A great example of team effort production. Notre Dame supplied the static graphics that we animated, as well as editing the final piece.

Work Study – Notre Dame
Motionpost partnered with New Group Media and Notre Dame to bring this informational presentation to new students at Notre Dame. A great example of team effort production. Notre Dame supplied the static graphics that we animated, as well as editing the final piece.

Saving For College – Notre Dame
Motionpost partnered with New Group Media and Notre Dame to bring this informational presentation to parents about saving for college. A great example of team effort production. Notre Dame supplied the static graphics that we animated, as well as editing the final piece.

Saving For College – Notre Dame
Motionpost partnered with New Group Media and Notre Dame to bring this informational presentation to parents about saving for college. A great example of team effort production. Notre Dame supplied the static graphics that we animated, as well as editing the final piece.

Johns Hopkins University partnered with motionpost to create this pilot series for an on-line course. Motionpost supplied motion graphics and video editing to complete this course.

Johns Hopkins University partnered with motionpost to create this pilot series for an on-line course. Motionpost supplied motion graphics and video editing to complete this course.

Efficient Market Hypothesis
This video series was created for Georgetown University Masters of Finance program. We used simple art to illustrate complex concepts with motion graphics.

Efficient Market Hypothesis
This video series was created for Georgetown University Masters of Finance program. We used simple art to illustrate complex concepts with motion graphics.

American University partnered with motionpost to create this course for students looking to get their dietician degree. Motionpost supplied motion graphics video editing and an audio mix.

American University partnered with motionpost to create this course for students looking to get their dietician degree. Motionpost supplied motion graphics video editing and an audio mix.

Legal Process Part 1
John Hopkins University partnered with motionpost to create this series of videos for a student to learn about the law. Motionpost supplied motion graphics and video editing for this series of videos.

Legal Process Part 1
John Hopkins University partnered with motionpost to create this series of videos for a student to learn about the law. Motionpost supplied motion graphics and video editing for this series of videos.