Fordson Released on BluRay

Fordson Released on BluRay

Our documentary editorial project Fordson: Faith Fasting Football is now available for streaming on Netflix and for sale. Lovingly created by Ed at motionpost for the producers at North Shore Films, a 3-disc set of Fordson is now available for sale. You get a Blu-Ray™...

Pekin Orthopedic

  Producer Stacey Evenson asked us to work on small series of local commercials for a hospital in in Central Illinois. Here is just one showcasing the excellent care you will receive at Pekin...
Las Vegas NAB 2012

Las Vegas NAB 2012

A quick blog post to give you an update of what is happening in vegas. Lots of great software and equipment to look at on this trip to Vegas. The things that impressed me the most Adobe CS 6, Smoke on a Mac and Da Vinci Resolve were my three favorites. Adobe CS 6 Lots...